Oxford Sigma tackles energy security and climate change by accelerating the commercialisation of fusion energy
To deliver materials technology, materials solutions, and fusion design services in order to accelerate the commercialisation of fusion energy.
Our Updates
Publication on Russian Nuclear Energy & Spheres of Influence with Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)
Company RUSI UK PONI 2019 publication on an exploration on how Russia’s nuclear export strategy could enable a diplomatic advantage, as the Russian nuclear power stations offered will operate for at least 60 years.
Thomas Davis speaks at the American Nuclear Society’s Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C.
Company Director, Thomas Davis, was invited to present at the American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting 2019, Washington D.C., the premier North American nuclear science and
technology conference.
Thomas Davis speaks at the 19th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-19)
Company Director, Thomas Davis, was invited to present at the 19th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-19), the premier international forum connecting specialists in the area of development of materials for both near and longer-term fusion energy systems.
EUROMAT 2019 scientific conference talk on materials for sodium-cooled fast reactors
Company Director, Thomas Davis, was invited to present at the EUROMAT 2019 conference, the premier international congress in the field of materials science and technology in Europe, on materials for sodium-cooled fast reactor cores following his work at the UK Office for Nuclear Regulation.
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