Oxford Sigma tackles energy security and climate change by accelerating the commercialisation of fusion energy
To deliver materials technology, materials solutions, and fusion design services in order to accelerate the commercialisation of fusion energy.
Our Updates
Davis & Musgrove Ltd joins the Office for Nuclear Regulation Technical Support Framework
Excerpt (1 sentence) Davis & Musgrove Ltd has joined the UK Office for Nuclear Regulation’s Technical Support Framework, delivering expertise on topics such as materials, technology, and fuel.
Davis & Musgrove Ltd joins the UKAEA Engineering Design Services Framework as a sub-contractor under Frazer-Nash Consultancy
Davis & Musgrove Ltd joins the UKAEA Engineering Design Services Framework as a sub-contractor under Frazer-Nash Consultancy, delivering expertise on topics such as materials, technology, and waste.
Publication on UK Hualong One Possible National Security Implications with Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)
RUSI UK PONI 2020 has published a paper by Thomas Davis on ‘National Security Implications of the UK Hualong One Nuclear Power Station.’
Dr Thomas Davis’ scientific publication on neutron radiation damage of structural steels for advanced nuclear reactors
Dr Davis has published a scientific paper on neutron irradiation damage of structural steels for reactor cores in the Materialia journal.
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